Maki Nakasuji, Wataru Takeda, “Pieri formulas for hook type Schur multiple zeta functions”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol.191, Paper No.105642, (2022)
Eren Mehmet Kiral, Maki Nakasuji, “Parametrization of Kloosterman sets and SL3-Kloosterman sums”, Advances in Mathematics, Vol.403, Paper No.108392, (2022)
Kohl Matsumoto, Maki Nakasuji, “Expressions of Schur multiple zeta-functions of anti-hook type by zeta-functions of root systems”, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, Vol.98(3-4), pp.345-377, (2021)
Daniel Bump, Maki Nakasuji, “Casselman’s Basis of Iwahori vectors and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials”, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol.71, pp.1351-1366, (2019)
Maki Nakasuji, Ouamporn Phuksuwan, Yoshinori Yamasaki, “On Schur multiple zeta functions: A combinatoric generalization of multiple zeta functions”, Advances in Mathematics Vol.333, pp.570-619 (2018)
Maki Nakasuji, Hiroshi Naruse, “Yang-Baxter basis of Hecke algebra and Casselman’s problem (extended abstract)”, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 935-946, (2016)
Daniel Bump, Peter McNamara, Maki Nakasuji, “Factorial Schur functions and the Yang-Baxter equation”, Commentarii Mathematici Universitas Sancti Pauli, Vol.63, no.1-2, pp23-45, (2014)
Maki Nakasuji, “Generalized Ramanujan conjecture over general imaginary quadratic fields,” Forum Mathematicum, Vol.24, no1.pp85-98, (2012)
Daniel Bump, Maki Nakasuji, “Casselman’s basis of Iwahori vetors and the Bruhat order”, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol.63, pp.1238-1253, (2011)
Daniel Bump, Maki Nakasuji, “Integration on p-adic groups and crystal bases”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.138, pp.1595-1605, (2010)